Turn hours into minutes with the best MSP friendly workstation setup and software deployment tool on the market.
(No credit card required)

Install & Configure
Install and configure VPN profiles, server names, shared paths, and user preferences in both existing and new environments to ensure homogeneity.

Over 1100 Applications & Counting
Stop writing the same scripts as every other MSP. Focus on the things that matter.
Use Your Existing Agents
No need to install ImmyBot’s agent to manage existing computers.
Supported Agents:
- ConnectWise Automate
- ConnectWise Control
- N-Central

Deliver Software to the People that Need It
ImmyBot automatically learns what computers people use. This allows you to deploy software based on user groups like Teams in Microsoft Teams or Security group synced from on-premise Active Directory.
In addition to Office apps, ImmyBot automatically installs the other Microsoft products users are licensed for like Visio and Project
Have you already invested countless hours in custom scripts? ImmyBot’s script editor brings VS Code’s Intellisense, Code Formatting, and Script Analyzer to the web. Bring your own scripts and build on top of ImmyBot’s high performance scripting engine and helper functions library.

From The Creator
As computer engineering grads turned MSP owner, we simply couldn’t find a quality automation tool for MSPs. Once I got more involved with the community, it became obvious that we’re all struggling to solve the same problems: New Computer Setup and Stack Homogeneity.
ImmyBot has a curated global repository with hundreds of pieces of software, most of which can’t be found in Chocolatey because they are larger packages, like Quickbooks, and AutoDesk, that require licenses and special configuration. ImmyBot can handle all these problems and more.
- ImmyBot tests everything it does before and after execution. Gone are the days of “fire and forget” shotgun scripts.
- ImmyBot installs the latest version of many third party applications and can keep them up-to-date.
- ImmyBot has a hierarchal rule system; you can make exceptions for specific customers and individuals.
- ImmyBot REQUIRES you to have single sign on. We believe SSO is a basic human right and don’t charge extra for it.
- ImmyBot’s developers hang out on Slack/Discord to give straightforward answers to your questions.

Darren Kattan, ImmyBot Creator
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Learn why ImmyBot is not just another tool in your stack, but the one MSP tool you’ve been missing.
Do I need a separate USB/Installer per tenant?
No. Create a USB pointing to your own tenant (or create an “Onboarding” tenant) and do not select the Auto-Onboard option. You will change the tenant of the computer on the Onboarding area of the computer after it comes into New Computers.
Will ImmyBot start doing anything without my consent? Like when I save a deployment, will it automatically deploy?
ImmyBot does not deploy anything automatically. You can feel safe saving your Deployments. Deployments document how things SHOULD be. If you want ImmyBot to automatically enforce deployments, you will need the ImmyBot Standard plan which allows you to create schedules.
Think of it like if Group Policy only updated if you manually ran gpupdate /force or otherwise specified a schedule for the gpupdates to happen. We understand that updating and installing software on existing computers can be intrusive to the user, which is why you schedule these actions out and ImmyBot gives the user the ability to postpone via interactive emails.
*IMPORTANT: If you setup integration with your RMM, when you map an RMM client to an ImmyBot tenant, ImmyBot will begin running inventory scripts on those machines every 24 hours. These scripts are read-only. If you have aggressive monitoring software, it may cause false alarms.
What if I don’t know which user will be using the computer?
Do your best to find out, or assign machines to specific users ahead of time. Without this, user level customizations are impossible. If you find yourself in a shared-computer scenario, where every computer gets the same 365 applications, create a deployment for the 365 applications for all computers under that tenant.
Can Immy join AzureAD?
Yes. Create a deployment for the Join AzureAD task. ImmyBot uses the bulk enrollment technique and generates a provisioning package to join the machine to AzureAD. At the time of writing, this requires you to create a user in each customer’s tenant. We plan to remove this requirement in the future.
Can Immy help migrate my customers to AzureAD from On-Premises environments?
Yes, ImmyBot’s Directory Migration task migrates profiles and joins Azure AD. It no longer requires the use of a third-party profile migration utility. It can even migrate Active Directory to Active Directory, Azure AD to Azure AD and Azure AD to Active Directory.